Mountain cottage with closeness to the activity house Storhogna M and Storhogna Högfjällshotell (mountain hotel). Walking distance to cross country skiing tracks that connects to the track system around Storhogna and Klövsjö. Near very well down hill skiing slopes at Storhogna/Klövsjö, Vemdalsskalet and Björnrike. The same ski ticket applies for all systems. Snow mobile trails near the cottage and near the mountain Kalfjället.
The cottage has an open planning with a new and modern kitchen (summer 2015). The kitchen is well equipped with most of what you need. Large room with fireplace heating stove and fur bedrooms, which of two with possibilities for double beds and two rooms with bunk beds.
Between Klövsjö and Vemdalen, road 315, turn off at Storhogna. Turn left at Dvärgbjörksvägen. Follow the road until you reach Dvärgvidestigen. The cottage is located on a corner plot on your left hand side after a small uphill slope. Entrance directly after the bend.