#13276 - on Stugknuten.com since 2012-11-04
 6 + 2 beds
 3900 - 6400 SEK/week

Farmhouse inbetween two lakes all on your own

Just renovated Farmhouse inbetween two lakes. Your own lake beach, sauna
and boat. All in a traditional rolling cattle grazingland. Excellent fishing in an
undisturbed nature with beaver, moose and deer. When you want tourist life,
the west coast archipelago is just 20 min away. Excellent crosscountry skiing
and skating at winter. Internet available.
Check in/out: Saturday

Go from Gothenburg towards Uddevalla, take off first junction Uddevalla
and follow road 172 to Bengtsfors. At Färgeland turn left and follow signs
towards Hedekas. 11km from Färgelanda centre you will come down in a
valley with as signe public swiming. 200 m later turn righ up the hill just
infront of the old country store "Åke Ekström".
Seasons and price range

Price per night from 1100 SEK

Price per night to 1100 SEK

Price per week from 3900 SEK

Price per week to 6400 SEK

1/6-31/8: 560 Euro/week, 1/9-31/5: 370 Euro/week
Long term rent separate agreement

This holiday home can be hired for a longer period


The following tenants left a review

Unverified review
Erik Mägi, rented in 2020
The electricity became three times more expensive than our hosts had suggested. We were frustrated that they didn´t want to even discuss the issue but instead threatened with legal enforcement. It´s a pity because the house is in a very nice surrounding.

Overall rating

Sandvikens gård (Host)
Dear Eric. We indicated normal price for normal familly. Your contract was for off-season where electricity was extra. You had access to meter reading so your consumption was according to meter registration and normal tariffs. You were two families and an electrical vehicle!
Unverified review
Deleted user, rented in 2015
The house is well equiped, comfortable, cosy and clean. There is also a lot of private space round the house. We enjoyed the lake. We walked in the surrounding forests and even spotted some moose. The coast is nearby. Ideal location if you like nature and want some variation. The owner is very helpfull. We had a nice holiday with our family. (child,teenagers and adults)
Unverified review
Deleted user, rented in 2014
4 Wochen haben wir dieses Jahr in dem wunderschönen Haus verbracht. In der Nähe haben wir Blaubeeren und Pilze gepflückt und es gab selbst geangelten Fisch. Ausflüge nach Trollhättan (Sciencecenter und Wasserfall), Fjällbacke (Kungsklippe von Ronja Räubertochter), Hunneberg und mehr haben uns viel von Schweden gezeigt.
Unverified review
Deleted user, rented in 2013
Das Haus und die Lage sind wunderschön. Die Vermieter stehen mit Rat zur Seite und wir haben dort wunderschöne Wochen verbracht.
Unverified review
Deleted user, rented in 2013
Wir haben 2 Wochen hier gewohnt. Die Familie des Vermieters hat seine Sommerferien ebenso auf dem Hof verbracht. Die lebendige Atmosphäre hat sehr zum Gelingen beigetragen und einige Abende hat man einfach gemeinsam verbringen können. Das Haus ist in makellos und sehr gut ausgestattet. Man merkt einfach, dass den Eigentuemern daran gelegen ist die Gäste zufrieden zu stellen. Der gosse Badesee eignet sich hervorragend zum Schwimmen, rudern und angeln und der grosse Steg lässt auch auch alle Sonnenhungrigen auf seine Kosten kommen. Ausflugsziele in der Nähe sind die Kueste mit Zielen wie Göteburg, Lysekil, Strömstad und Koster und direkt in Dalsland kann man wunderbar auf "Elchsafari" gehen. Sehr empehlenswert und jeden Cent wert!
  •  Allergy friendly
  •  Barbeque facilities
  •  Broadband
  •  Dogs not allowed
  •  Mobile telephone coverage
  •  No smoking indoors
  •  Open fireplace
  •  Outdoor furniture
  •  Outdoor place (terrace etc)
  •  Separate bedrooms
  •  TV
  •  Cooking facilities
  •  Dishwasher
  •  Freezer
  •  Microwave oven
  •  Refrigerator
 Bathroom facilities
  •  Sauna
  •  Shower
  •  WC
  •  Washing machine
  •  Bicycle rental
  •  Boat rental – 250 m
  •  Canoe rental – Kann auf Wunsch organisiert werden
  •  Cross-country skiing
  •  Diving – 50 km, Lysekil+Smögen
  •  Fishing – 250 m
  •  Golf – 15 km, Ellenö
  •  Hiking trails – 10 km
  •  Indoor swimming facilities – 35 km, Uddevalla
  •  Minigolf – 20 km
  •  Outdoor swimming facilities (beach) – 250 m
  •  Riding – 15 km
  •  Tennis – 15 km
Additional information

A piece of advice to tenants when booking

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