Stugknuten is a letting service for holiday cottages, houses and apartments where private individuals and companies can advertise their own properties on our website or rent properties directly from the advertiser. As a user of the services, you have already accepted our general terms and conditions, of which you can also find here. To enable you to make use of our booking service, which covers access to a payment solution from our partner MangoPay and insurance protection from the insurance provider Omocom, we have put together these general terms and conditions governing our mutual rights and obligations for use of the booking service. As part of the booking service is based on a payment solution through MangoPay, a condition to be met for use of the service is that as a user you enter into a contract with MangoPay in accordance with its general terms of conditions. These are available here. Mangopay's privacy statement can be found here. We ask you to read these terms and conditions from MangoPay carefully, as well as these terms and conditions as it is of great importance to us that you are aware of your rights and obligations as a user of the service. If there is anything you do not understand, you are welcome to contact us at
By accepting these terms and conditions, which also involves acceptance of the abovementioned terms and conditions from MangoPay S.A., you as a user enter into a contractual relationship with Stugknuten uthyrning AB, corporate identity number 556681-5238 and MangoPay S.A. respectively. Stugknuten is referred to in these terms and conditions as Stugknuten. To avoid misunderstanding, Stugknuten is not liable for the contractual relationship that arises in accordance with the general terms and conditions of MangoPay between it and you as a user of its services and purchaser of electronic money. Nor does Stugknuten have a financial liability for deficiencies in contract fulfilment on the part of MangoPay in relation to you as a user of Stugknuten’s services.
The booking service contains an option for a simpler and more secure contractual relationship between a user who wishes to hire a property (the Hirer) and the party letting a property (the Letter). In use of the booking service, the rental property is also covered by insurance with Omocom during the rental period. The insurance protection covers compensation for sudden and unforeseen damage that can occur to your property during the rental period and not covered by your ordinary insurance. The rental property thus needs to be covered by basic insurance for the insurance concerned to be applicable, and the insurance also applies secondarily to your own insurance but always ahead of any liability insurance held by the Hirer. The insurance carries an excess of SEK 1,000, which is paid by the Letter in the event that damage occurs. It is possible thereafter for the Letter to request payment from the Hirer for the cost of excess. (The Hirer and the Letter are hereafter referred to individually and jointly as the user or the users.) The payment for the rental period is made through our partner MangoPay, and as part of the service Stugknuten, on behalf of you as Letter, undertakes to ensure that final payment does not take place until you as Hirer have obtained access to the advertised property and have been able to establish that you are obtaining what you have reasonably been able to expect on the basis of the advertisement. However, the administration covers only the right that the Hirer gives Stugknuten in accordance with the engagement as representative, which is defined below, and where Stugknuten is given the exclusive right to instruct MangoPay to carry out payment to the Letter. In accordance with the possibility of assessment of the right to a price deduction, as stated in more detail below, it is also possible for Stugknuten to instruct MangoPay that a lower amount than the total amount of rent is to be transferred to the Letter. Payment for the rental period thus takes place between the Hirer's and Letter's digital wallets at MangoPay and in accordance with the payment terms agreed at the time of booking. You undertake as Hirer to ensure that the necessary sum is available in your digital wallet at MangoPay for payment to the Letter.
By accepting these terms and conditions the Hirer thus gives Stugknuten a limited right to act as representative of the Hirer in relation to MangoPay with regard to payment notices under the current rental relationship. The user accepts that Stugknuten, after a rental period has ended or on cancellation where part of the amount of rent is to be paid, is permitted to instruct MangoPay to transfer funds from the Hirers’s digital wallet to the Letter, provided no objections concerning the rental period have been received from the Hirer. The payment to you as Letter will thus be available at the earliest at the time when the hirer checks out and only on condition that the Hirer has not notified Stugknuten that there are claims for compensation due to non-fulfilment of contract. In the event of a request for payment you as Letter are also obliged to provide MangoPay with a copy of a valid identity document in accordance with the statutory rules applicable. The limited assignment as representative cannot be revoked and thus runs during the period from the time when first payment is to be made by you as Hirer until final settlement of the rental relationship has taken place. Stugknuten's administration is limited to sending a digital instruction to MangoPay for payment to take place to the Letter's account.
The fee for supply of the service concerned amounts to a percentage share of the agreed amount of rent and is determined at the time of a booking enquiry as it can distinguish between different bookings. The fee is charged to the Letter's digital wallet at MangoPay at the time of final payment to the Letter. For collection of the fee, the Letter hereby gives Stugknuten the right to debit the Letter’s digital wallet at MangoPay to cover the cost of the service, which thus takes place at the time of final payment to you as Letter. When cancellation is made in accordance with applicable cancellation rules, no fee will be paid provided you as Letter do not receive any compensation either under the cancellation rules. In the event that cancellation takes place at such time that the Hirer has to make some or full payment to the Letter, however, a full fee will be charged. The fee amounts to the same percentage share of the sum that would have been applied if the whole rental payment had been made.
Cancellation conditions established by the Letter apply to the rental property. The cancellation conditions permitted in connection with use of the booking service concerned consist of the levels Strict, Medium and Lenient. The cancellation level Strict enables you to cancel your booking without cost no later than 23:59 sixty (60) days before the agreed date of arrival, and with a cost of fifty (50) per cent of the rental sum for cancellations no later than 23:59 thirty (30) days before the agreed date of arrival. The cancellation level Moderate enables you to cancel your booking without cost no later than 23:59 thirty (30) days before the agreed date of arrival, and with a cost of fifty (50) per cent of the rental sum for cancellations no later than 23:59 fourteen (14) days before the agreed date of arrival. The cancellation level Flexible enables you to cancel your booking without cost no later than 23:59 fourteen (14) days before the agreed date of arrival, and with a cost of fifty (50) per cent of the rental sum for cancellations no later than 23:59 seven (7) days before the agreed date of arrival. Cancellation takes place via our agency service and we ask you as the user to note that all times refer to the local time in Sweden as the property is located in Sweden.
To enable Stugknuten to carry out the service, you as a user must provide Stugknuten and MangoPay with the requested information regarding yourself as a natural or legal person. In certain circumstances, MangoPay may also request further documentation from you as a user so that it can fulfil its statutory obligations, among other things, to counteract money laundering, and you hereby commit to provide such information to MangoPay via your user account. If requested data is not received, MangoPay has the right to terminate the contractual relationship, in which case any booking services and bookings will also be terminated.
As part of the service, Stugknuten undertakes on the joint behalf of the Hirer and the Letter to assess the level of price deduction in the event that such a claim is presented by the Hirer not later than the day of departure. The assignment which Stugknuten thereby undertakes is limited to an assessment of the Hirer's right to obtain a price reduction on condition that the rented property has existed and that the particulars in the advertisement essentially match reality. The assessment is based on what a normal guest can reasonably expect on renting the property. The right to compensation for inadequate agreement between what has been agreed and what has been received must, however, as far as possible be resolved between the parties, but in the event that the parties are unable to agree within five working days after a claim has been submitted Stugknuten has the right, at its own discretion, to assess the size of the deduction, which cannot, however, ever exceed the agreed amount of rent less fee for the service. The Guest and the Letter also undertake to provide Stugknuten with sufficient data for the assessment. Following a review of available material, Stugknuten must also inform the Hirer and the Letter of its assessment and in connection with this must give final notice of what sum is to be transferred from the Hirer’s digital wallet in accordance with the assignment received as representative. The assignment as representative has been defined above in these terms and conditions. Any claim must be submitted in writing and sent to no later than the day of departure. Receipt of compensation does not however, detract from the Hirer's right to lodge a claim directly against the Letter concerning deficiencies in the rented property and costs that have arisen for the Hirer in accordance with applicable legislation and what has otherwise been agreed. The same applies to the Letter, who is also free to present a claim against the Guest in connection with the rental relationship.
Stugknuten works continuously on development of the service so that as a user you have the best possible experience when you visit the website, as well as when using our services. This means, however, that the service may be closed for maintenance at certain times and will then be unavailable. We will obviously try to minimise the time when the service is not available, but wish to make clear at the same time that we do not accept any liability for compensation to you as a user for the time when the service cannot be used or during times when your advertisement is not available for viewing. Nor do we make any deduction from fees for the time when the service is unavailable.
In connection with supply of the service, Stugknuten collects a limited amount of personal data to enable it to fulfil its obligations towards you as a user. For information on our processing of personal data, etc. please see our personal data policy, by clicking here. However, special terms and conditions apply to use of payment services through our partner MangoPay, which can be accessed through the link above in these terms and conditions. Stugknuten may process personal data to fulfil the disclosure requirements that you as a user have towards MangoPay in connection with the contractual relationship with it and for fulfilment of the disclosure requirements due to the fact that through the booking service you have insurance cover through Omocom.
In the event that you contravene our terms and conditions and fail to make correction within five days after we have informed you of our position and the reasons for our position, we have the right to terminate the service. Repeated cases of contraventions also mean, despite corrections being made, that we terminate your user account. Material or repeated deficiencies in relation to advertised conditions or the relationship with guests in connection with the letting of properties which come to the knowledge of Stugknuten are also regarded as misuse of the service. It must be pointed out again that the user bears sole responsibility for the accuracy of information posted on and it being in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable to use of the service.
In the same way that we make changes in our service, we may also implement changes to the terms and conditions governing our contractual relationship. We always endeavour, however, to implement changes at the time of renewal of services or new booking offerings, but in the event that we nevertheless implement changes to our terms and conditions during a contract period that have a material impact on your possibility of availing of our service, you as user have the right to terminate the service.
It is possible for you as Hirer to terminate the service in accordance with the terms and conditions for cancellation applicable to the rental relationship. Note, however, that it is not possible to terminate the service while a rental period is in progress until payment for the rental period has been finally settled.
You have the option of requesting that we erase all data we have processed concerning you in connection with performance of the service. Such a request should be sent to Note, however, that messages that have passed between you and another user in connection with use of the service will remain in the user’s history. Stugknuten may in some respects be obliged by law to retain certain data concerning you as user, which we reserve the right to do.
Stugknuten does not have any liability for any differences in perception concerning the right to compensation between Guest and Letter as Stugknuten has reserved the right to estimate the level of compensation in the event that the parties are unable to agree between them. Nor does Stugknuten accept any liability for compensation of any kind to users of the service or for any damage you may be affected by as a user in use of services of MangoPay or if MangoPay refuses use of its services. All bookings that take place through the service take place directly between the Letter and Guest, and Stugknuten is not to be regarded in any respect as Letter, Hirer or other party to the contractual relationship between Letter and Hirer. Stugknuten consequently does not have any liability for deficiencies in the obligations between Letter and Hirer.
Rights and obligations under this contractual relationship cannot be transferred by the Letter or Hirer. However, Stugknuten has the right to transfer the contractual relationship, provided that this does not signify any changes of circumstances for you as Letter or Hirer.
As we are a Swedish company operating in Sweden, Swedish law is applicable to our contractual relationship and these general terms and conditions. Any dispute arising between you as a user and us will be settled by a Swedish court of law.